We know that you have questions about CertPLM, so we've answered the most common ones for you already below. If you have other questions that you need answers to, please don't hesitate to email info@practiceunbound.org.uk
What are the benefits of the Certificate in Lifestyle Medicine?
Is the Certificate in Lifestyle Medicine accredited?
Does the Certificate in Lifestyle Medicine or PLM Online count towards the BSLM Maintenance of Certification?
I've already completed PLM Online. Can I study the Certificate in Lifestyle Medicine?
I've already completed PLM Online. What is the cost to study the Certificate in Lifestyle Medicine?
How many hours of study is expected with for the Certificate in Lifestyle Medicine?
How do we demonstrate 85 hours of using PLM in practice? What form of evidence is required?
How long is the final written case study?
How do I enrol?

Got questions? Talk to us…

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